Top 10 Worst Places To Breakup

Breakups are never easy. People should choose the right moments. These occurrences should not be public and should be done in private between the two parties. Here is a list of 10 places you should not break up with someone.

Top 10 Awkward Places to Lose Wedding Rings

Recent stories of miraculous findings inspired me to write this article. People have lost rings that are over $1000 and are of great sentiments. They would move heaven and earth to find the lost ring as if it was a Lord of the Rings movie.

Top 10 Places To Lose Your Keys

If you ever lose item, do not make the same mistake twice. Do yourself a favour and buy a key chain that goes around your neck. Surveying 50, here are the top 10 places you lose your keys.

Top 10 Antique Places In The World

The world that we live in is full of pleasant surprises. There are those which have been gifted to man by nature while there are those man has managed to create on his own as a way of proving the talent given to him by God.

Top 10 Places to Visit in Berlin

Berlin is one of the liveliest historical cities in Europe. During the Cold War, the city was divided amongst 4 countries: France, Great Britain, United States and the Soviet Union. In 1948 a blockade fell upon the city which prevented Western nations, access to the city which lay in the Soviet Union section of Germany. 4700 supplies were airlifted to individuals living inside the Western controlled region of Berlin. In 1961, the Berlin wall was built overnight to prevent emigration from East Berlin.

Top 10 Attractions in Austria

Austria is a vibrant country with a vivid history. It was home to some of the most famous artists, musicians and historians for multiple centuries. Politics has brought this country through tumultuous times, especially in the 20th century. The kleindeutsch vs. grossdeutsch debate embarked on a century struggle between Germans in Germany and Germans in various parts of Europe such as Austria. Here are the top 10 places one must go to see when in Austria.